Amanda Lea Kaiser

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Organizations Providing Positive Experiences Lead the Market

My Aunt was dismayed when she couldn’t find her favorite salad dressing at Trader Joe’s. A staff member was nearby arranging broccoli, so she asked them if, by chance, there was any in the back. “Unfortunately, no,” said the staff member, “they discontinued it due to low sales. I really liked it too, but I switched to this flavor, and I think I like this new one better. Please take a bottle to sample on us. Just tell the person who checks you out that I said you could try it for free.” This experience is remarkable and rare. So rare that I can count encounters like this with my fingers. Here are a few more.

The people who staff Apple Support are super friendly and audible (it’s amazing how the folks who staff help lines are generally inaudible.) They take time to listen patiently and are sometimes even funnily chatty—the same with Walt Disney World. Speaking of Disney, when my son was 4-ish, a bus driver leaped off the bus to show him how the bus could kneel. It was the highlight of my son’s day.

There’s a restaurant up on the northern tip of Nova Scotia (a very long two-day drive from where I am now) that I’d return to in a heartbeat because the owner and staff were so remarkably kind, thoughtful, and wonderful.

Last week I asked which organizations you think are staffed with Chief Experience Officers. Think again of your list.

Here’s the cool thing about my examples and yours: the organizations that are staffed with Chief Experience Officers also stand out in their respective categories. There are few grocery stores like Trader Joe’s. I’ve been to thousands of restaurants, and almost none are as memorable as that great place in Nova. Scotia. No other amusement park is like Disney. Apple stores hum with possibility.

Positive experiences are unique. Positive experiences can help you stand out. Positive experiences will make your organization memorable and remarkable.