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Amanda’s best advice, articles, and resources are delivered to your inbox every Tuesday!

Offsetting The Curve of Forgetting
Help attendees remember AND take action on the key learnings from your event to boost ROI.

Why Do We Have to Earn Permission?
The permission-based mindset is another strategy to help you engage your members with micro-experiences.

Use the 5-Minute Rule for Engaging Online Events
There are three reasons why the first few minutes of an online event are the most crucial.

Engage with Super Engaging Virtual Meetings
5 ways to improve virtual attendee engagement by focusing on just the first few minutes.

What Do You Do About Latecomers?
How do you engage the latecomers, the early-birds, and those who joined Zoom on time—all simultaneously?

How Do You Know How Exhibitors Want to Engage?
What kind of ROI are exhibitors looking for?

Virtual Connections Ease IRL-Meeting Anxiety
Imagine what engagement could look like if many more in-person events were introduced and extended with virtual events!

Transform Strangers into Friends
Poor networking experiences, which happen all too often, can denigrate member engagement. Here are three tested tips for your next event!

Making Conference Conversations Less Ephemeral
Here’s a recipe for a new type of valuable content that may increase attendee and member engagement and is not resource-intense.