Amanda Lea Kaiser

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Unusual Lessons Learned

Hopefully, you’ve had time to celebrate all the good things of 2023🥳 (step 1 of this three-step prepare-for-2024 process). Celebrating is essential because some neuroscience suggests that feeling good boosts creativity and innovation. So honoring wins isn’t merely fun. It’s also good for us and our business/community/association!

Now on to step #2!

I love lessons learned. I know—I’m weird that way. You see, way back in my Crayola days, project teams would conduct lessons learned after a big product launch. Then, when I moved to the association world, I was delighted to learn that annual conference debriefs are common.

Why do I like lessons learned so much? Well, it is a time to remember what went right and what might be improved and capture those learnings for the next time.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I get swept up in my giant to-do list and don’t take time to remember, think, and write down all the new things I learned—intentional time for lessons learned changes that.

Today, we will dive into insights from last year and mull over what you learned about yourself and others with this short list of questions.

  • What’s the best thing about your job?

  • What did you learn about your members?

  • What did you learn from your members or attendees?

  • What did you do that was fun, interesting, absorbing, and engaging for you?

  • What lesson from 2023 is sticking with you?

Remember, you can answer these questions with your staff or board or make it a time of reflection just for you.

Here’s a recap of the preparing for 2024 process:

  1. Celebrate good things from 2023🥳!

  2. Remember what you learned.

  3. Coming soon!😉