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Beyond Clicks & Renewals: The Real Secret to Member Engagement
Think you know what member engagement means? Think again! 😊
Start to Notice What is Anti-Engaging to Be Engaging
Doing things the way they’ve always been done can drive people away before they have a chance to get all the fabulous value, so let’s turn everything that is anti-engaging on its head so that you can attract people in droves.
From Cognitive Shortcuts to Heartfelt Connections
Adult's brains have formed neural pathways that prevent them from engaging easily.
Why Do We Have to Earn Permission?
The permission-based mindset is another strategy to help you engage your members with micro-experiences.
Steal This Idea From the Software Industry
What would happen to engagement if members got to vote on the roster of projects, benefits, or topics the association would work on next?
Collaboration is the New Association Content
Most association content is uni-directional. Collaboration changes all that.
How to Engage Different Personalities
When in doubt, design engagement for introverts. Here are three ideas.
What Do You Do About Latecomers?
How do you engage the latecomers, the early-birds, and those who joined Zoom on time—all simultaneously?
Unusual Lessons Learned
Step 2 in this three-step process is about answering unusual questions to reveal insightful lessons learned.
Our Approach to Membership Needs Something Radically Different
Most organizations, and when I say “organizations,” I mean ALL organizations, for-profit, non-profit, and governments, are not focusing on a critical element that leads to engagement.
Are Your Exhibitors Engaging Enough?
You need to engage exhibitors, and one way to do that is by helping them get a great ROI while they are exhibiting at your event and provide a great attendee experience while they are at it.
Have I ever told you my hat story?
Do you like hats? Well, we wear these two hats every day, and the problem is when we take off one, we forget about the other.